Photo: Don Travis
I could not believe the first time I saw snow here. It’s wild and I could not wait to go out in it and feel it in my hands. Arriving here from Monserrate only one year ago I suppose you could say I’m a newbie. I was born in Monserrate in 2003, the son of Tomeika Fenton and dad Vaughn Fenton and I have three siblings, two brothers and one sister.
Monserrate is a small island where you know most people… it is about family. You don’t have to lock you house and people are more courteous -it’s beautiful, wild birds and animals, you will see animals roaming around chickens cats dogs pigs cows – and they just roam. The sea is so blue and the suns shines on the water – being barefoot on the sand and swimming in the sea gives you a good after feeling… I miss my family and the freedom there. Hanging around in the basketball court with my friends and chilling. But unfortunately, there are few opportunities. That’s why my mum came here. She wanted to study law and wanted us to have more options such as university and work. I am college studying engineering and would like to be an electrical engineer. I just want to make money at the moment so I am comfortable. I am able to fit into my environment and look after my brothers and sisters. It’s not a struggle here because I can adapt. Sometimes people’s behaviour is difficult and they things that are random and weird and don’t make sense.
I live between Blackburn and Hackney. With mum in Blackburn and my dads family are based in Hackney so I visit there when I can. This is where my picture with the dog is taken, on Gillett Square in Dalston. I look after my friends (Grade) dog Cabanna . At first the dog did not know me so I had build trust with the dog an XL Bully. In the Caribbean I had seven dogs all pit balls (and one Chihuahua) …. for protection and I love dogs. They are with my dad now, who still lives in Monserrate. I walk Grades dog in Dalston and get to chat to people in the square. I used to look after dogs back home so this gives me a sense of belonging.
Blackburn can be racist with people calling me nigger… but I don’t care. It does not bother me because people are people. There is not much black people here so they are not accustomed to. This never happened London because a lot of black people are about. Hopefully black people will start to rise and get treated fairly. It’s not a struggle here because I can adapt. Sometimes people’s behaviour is difficult and they things that are random and weird and don’t make sense.
Being me makes me happy… I like experiencing new things and being in a new environment I hope to move to London soon and stay with family there and experience living in a big city. That’s my future.